Can I Haz Antenna? |
I've had a lot of people tell me "I would like to put up a TV antenna, but my Home Owner's Association prohibits it." Yes, a lot of HOAs try to prohibit TV antennas and/or satellite dishes. But did you know that if you OWN your own single family detached home, no HOA - or local government entity, for that matter - can prohibit you from putting an antenna on you roof? The FCC has prohibited these sort of shenanigans since 1996, and there are very few exceptions. Even renters, mobile home park residents, and owners of townhouses are afforded some protections from the tyranny of HOAs and landlords according to the FCC's OTARD (
"Over-the-Air Reception Devices")rules. Since October 1996, the FCC has banned "restrictions that impair the
installation, maintenance or use of antennas used to receive video
programming." The rules have since been expanded it to protect the right of renters to set up
antennas in areas they control, such as balconies or porches, and to
cover wireless-broadband receivers.
There are some exceptions to the rules, but they aren't very difficult to understand.